What was it about this place? How can such a simple exhibit be so much fun?
As a kid growing up near Boston, playing in the Bubbles exhibit at the Boston Children's Museum was always a blast. It was so basic. A bunch of different tables with this incredible bubble solution and tons of different ways to make soap bubbles of all sizes and shapes.
Looking back on it, I think it was the way the museum offered visitors of all ages an easy way to experiment with simple tools that created such natural beauty and mind-blowing scientific demonstrations on light refraction, surface tension, chemistry, physics, and more. A pure hands-on learning experience that seemed like way too much fun to be learning anything at all.
When I was lucky enough to work as a summer "Interpreter" on the floor of the museum as a high school and college student, that amazing and timeless exhibit was still a fan favorite! Totally spellbinding.
Kids always have to be dragged away from that place. "Come on, come on! There's a lot more in the museum," a parent pleads. A mom whispers to her friend, "Should I bribe her with ice cream at the Hood milk bottle out front? Nuggets at the McDonalds? The climbing structure? The golf ball exhibit? Hmmm."